Fake News: 117-Year-Old Story of Pittsburgh 'Lynching' Busted

The tale of the lynching of a black man in Pittsburgh back in 1899 has been used for decades to illustrate how bad the area was for minorities. But new research into the incident found that the story is a 117-year-old example of “fake news,” as it appears this famous “lynching” never actually occurred.

With the whole of the media wringing its hands over “fake news,” it is instructive to remember that the “news” media has for decades been less than serious in its search for the truth, often placing sensationalism above facts and indulging in lazy reporting.

Activists in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area have used the “lynching” of African American fuel plant worker David Pierce as an example of the inequities heaped on minorities in the region for well over 100 years — a stain on the region’s history.


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