Former Chicago Police Chief Blames Black Lives Matter for Rise in Violent Crime

Former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on Sunday blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for the uptick in violent crime in this country.

During an interview with John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York, McCarthy blamed anti-police brutality protests in Baltimore, Ferguson, and Charlotte for creating a “political atmosphere of anti-police sentiment,” according to the Hill.

“So what’s happening, and this is ironic, is that a movement with the goal of saving black lives at this point is getting black lives taken, because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks,” McCarthy said. “Less than half of 1 percent of all the shootings in this city involve police officers shooting civilians.”

McCarthy was fired last year over the controversy caused by a fatal police-involved shooting in October 2014 of a black 17-year-old named Laquan McDonald.


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