Media suffer press conference delirium

Though President-elect Trump is everywhere on TV and in the newspapers, the media would like everyone to believe he's sheltered himself in an underground bunker, hiding from everybody but his Twitter and maybe Don King.

It's become a point of outrage among reporters and pundits that the president-elect hasn't held a press conference since July.

You'll recall those long, winding events in the Republican primary in which Trump would answer dozens of questions and reporters would react with Lamaze breathing to cope with whatever he said.

When Trump hosted a press conference in March, he used the event to rebut Mitt Romney, who had attacked him as a "fraud," and his past business ventures as failures.

The media complained that Trump had turned the conference into a commercial for his brand.

When he hosted a conference in June at one of his golf courses in Scotland, the media accused him of a bait-and-switch that was surreptitiously intended to show off his property.

And when he hosted his latest conference in July, the media nearly collapsed into a vacuum after he joked that Russian hackers should release Hillary Clinton's deleted emails.

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