Rosie O’Donnell Launches VICIOUS Attack on Trump… She Has No Limit

Rosie O’Donnell is a vicious, vile human being. I don’t approve of President-elect Trump calling her names in public… but then again, the woman is really, really asking for it. Trump and O’Donnell have been attacking each other for over ten years. Rosie stooped so low as to even smear Trump’s ten year-old son. She apologized to Melania, but the fact that she would do such a thing tells you all you need to know about Rosie O’Donnell. She’s not funny and she’s disgusting.

Rosie is now warning that America only has three weeks left to stop a mentally unstable Donald Trump from taking office. First off, he’s not mentally unstable, although Rosie O’Donnell herself may be. Second, he’s now President of the United States… just deal with it already and get over it. Rosie was a huge Hillary Clinton supporter and just this last week, urged Obama to go after Russia for interfering in the election. Russia uncovered some of the DNC’s dirty laundry, but they had nothing to do with the election itself. Liberals like Rosie just can’t accept that Clinton lost because she sucked. Truth hurts, Rosie.


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