Wicomico County Employment Income Projections - 2016

The above spreadsheet contains jobs information that was prepared this time last year - using at that time - the latest 2014 FY Maryland Income Tax Summary reports.

If there is one thing that I have learned from this past Presidential election - one can no long rely on the MSM and/or other governmental agencies for public disemination of accurate or reliable jobs information. We all witnessed this first hand - as to how the US Bureau of Labor did a complete jobs restatement, prior to, the Democratic/Republican primaries - and after they (US Bureau of Labor) performed their US jobs numbers restatement - it was downsized by 50% - (horribly distorted - emphasis added by author). Locally - we can thank SBYnews for getting this information out - and eventually the other MSM networks finally came on-board - most noteworthy Fox's Sean Hannity. But in reality - it was SBYnews that first broke the jobs distortion story - NATIONALLY and INTERNATIONALLY.

Eventually - President-elect - Donald Trump was supplied the jobs information, and, he acknowledged receipt through his daughter Ivanka Trump - just prior to his appearance at Stephen Decatur, Berlin, MD and Frederick, MD - on April 20, 2016 (see above mail return certification).

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